Saturday, July 14, 2012

Days 5 & 6

Days 5 and 6 have been rainy days.  I guess I brought the rain to Utah!  Which is good because apparently it's been on fire, literally, the past few weeks.  So YAY for rain!  
Day 6 was Britton day.  Which is something I have missed for the past year!  Everyone needs a little Britton day every once in a while.  It was great to talk with him again.  I love this guy, whom I have adopted as my big brother.  He's a great listener, which is how we became friends.  I pretty much poured out my whole life story the first time we met.  He's also got good advice.  I am so grateful for his friendship that has lasted the past few years.  And I'm excited to party it up with him in the next few weeks!  He will be joining our party to Lagoon in a few weeks (super excited!!)
Good to be reunited with my big brother Britton once again!


Brenda said...

I'm so jealous you got a Britton day? When are you going to Lagoon?

Hannah said...

I know right!? It was great! We are going to Lagoon on the 31st of July