Thursday, January 8, 2009


So lately I've been dreaming about what I want in my future. I've decided that if I never get married I will live in a flat, preferably in Kent, England. I want one wall in my flat to be a huge bookshelf that I will fill with books. I want to have tons of books, books that I've read and have yet to read. I will visit little hole in the wall bookstores and buy books to fill my bookshelf with. When I am not reading my plethora of books I will be writing my own book. I don't know yet what I will write about but it will be a best seller. I will travel around the world attending signings for my popular book. And at each signing I will wear a different color pea coat. Because that is another fantasy that I have. I want to own a pea coat in every color! Yellow, blue, red, orange, black, gray, etc. And then on my days off I will be touring the countryside of Kent, visiting castles, cathedrals, and the coast. So if you catch me staring off into space it's because I'm contemplating which book to pick off the shelf or looking into my closet at my rainbow of pea coats.


Ariane said...

High Aspirations. I love it! Sounds like a pretty good life.

MaudieV said...

I know Lyric hasn't read your post yet, as she loves Pea Coats as much as you do. I love that you are on the blog!!

The VIPs said...

gotta love the peacoats