Sunday, November 14, 2010


Dear Extreme PDA Couple,
Do you really think that it is necessary or appropriate to gaze longingly into each others eyes, pet, kiss, whisper sweet nothings, and nibble ears during the adult session of stake conference? Let me answer you with a no, No, No, NO, and again a RESOUNDING NO!!!! Do you not realize that you are in a huge auditorium filled with people trying to receive spiritual insight? What really makes you think that this public display of affection is appropriate?! Are you really so in love that you are blind to one hundred other people sitting around you? If you really wanted to suck each others' faces off you could have found a deserted parking lot or somewhere other than stake conference!! And let me just say that I know I am not the only one who was distracted by this little love scene. The older couple behind you was also quite distracted, I could tell and what about the boy sitting next to you? So next time please find somewhere else to display your undying and lusting love for each other. Thank you.
Disgusted Onlooker

1 comment:

The Henriksons said...

I would say this only happens at college but when we were living in Provo we had a couple who did this at stake conference in a non student ward and stake and were offended when someone sent them a note asking them to stop because they were disgusting!! She told about how offended she was in her testimony the next week!! They were an interesting couple and we tried really hard not to sit behind them at any meeting. Mom