Thursday, November 18, 2010

I got nothing...(for a title)

One more day of classes, a final, and then I get to go HOME!!!! WHOOP WHOOP! I am so pumped! Thanksgiving break is going to be fabulous! I can already smell the turkey, sugar rolls, and all the other yummy food (metaphorically because right now with this BLASTED stuffy nose I can't smell anything...)

Currently I am reading The Hobbit. I originally read this at the age of 11 and boy, I didn't really appreciate it. I struggled through the language of Tolkien and barely got the basic storyline but now, I LOVE it! It's so good! And I have enjoyed discussing it in YA Literature. I was talking with a friend about this and he said "as I have gotten older I have really begun to appreciate GOOD literature. And I just think Thank you for writing this amazing book" I agree completely. Isn't it fabulous? I love literature!

It didn't snow this week HALLELUJAH! It snowed a couple weeks ago, and if you know me then you know I wasn't too happy about it. But this week, while cold, was snow free!

I graduate next semester. Next semester I GRADUATE from college. It's crazy, exciting, and a little, no a lot, overwhelming.

I have just decided that next week I am going to do a blog every day about something I'm Thankful for. Ooooh, I just love Thanksgiving. It's my favorite Holiday! And I'm going HOME!! to WASHINGTON! I have already told Mom to make sure she doesn't have other pressing plans because I want her all to myself! (wow..that sounds selfish) And the boys and I will party all week! Dad will give me a big bear hug(no one gives them like him) and we will talk talk talk.

Well, Juvenile Delinquency is waiting for me. STUDY STUDY STUDY!


The Henriksons said...

Okay so I am trying to clear my calendar for you! Hahaha! Can't wait for you to get here. Love ya girl! Mom

The Henriksons said...

I can't wait for you to come home. Thanksgiving is great! But it's even better when loved ones come home and we are all together as a family. That is what I will be most thankful for this year. I love you Hannah and can't wait to give you a great big Bear Hug.
