Monday, April 5, 2010

Finding Our Inner Kid...

Yesterday my roommates and I dyed eggs! It was pretty fun! We had tons of dye colors. We were having so much fun that we then decided to do some coloring, dancing, and create little creatures out of paper!This is Scott with his egg, which he named "Peaches"

Alright, so we have an "orka" oven mitt...they are pretty sweet. Well Britton decided that it needed eyes...
Attack!Well...eyes weren't enough. It needed teeth too...

Scott was really into the Princess Coloring Book...

I wish I had picture of our dancing! Scott performed Thriller for us.(It was pretty much amazing and I decided we should be friends forever!) Me and Marisa did our dance to She Wolf. Then Scott, Marisa, Britton, and I danced YMCA and the Macarena. It was legit. Then we colored in the Princess Coloring book with my 96 crayons! It was very therapeutic. I think that we should find our inner kid more often.

1 comment:

The Hardy Things in Life said...

What fun!! Coloring is one of my favorite inner kid things!! It's just too much fun!! Are you staying in Rexburg for the summer?