Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 27 Part 3 of the Wedding Saga

Katelynn woke up at 4:30 Saturday morning, which in turn woke me up and we both tossed and turned until we finally gave up trying to sleep and got up at 5:45.  We showered, ate breakfast burritos (prepared by Katelynn's sister DeAnn and her husband, who cooked for us all week!), then we got Katelynn ready.  Then we headed to the Temple!

Katelynn and Brannon MARRIED!

The reception was held at the cabin so we spent the afternoon decorating and such.

The Cake
It was made by Katelynn's mom.  And it was DELICIOUS as are all her cakes! 
I was on cake duty so I cut and served.  It took all the power I had not to lick my fingers every five seconds or just eat the whole thing.  It's that good.

My Katelynn is a married woman now.  I am so happy for her and Brannon!  I am so grateful that I was able to spend the week with Katelynn and her family.  I am grateful that I was able to be with Katelynn on her wedding day, to help her get ready and be a part of it all.  I have always wanted to have that experience with one of my friends.  And of all my friends I never thought that it would be Katelynn that I would get to share this experience with.  We both laughed about it.  But I think that made the experience even more special.  Thank you Katelynn, for letting me be a part of your special day.  I love you!

Congratulations Katelynn! I am so proud of you!

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