Monday, September 27, 2010

Maybe my Audience is Bigger than I thought...

So the other day I discovered the "stats" tab on my dashboard. Looking at it I discovered that there are actually a lot of people who read my blog...and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. And not just people from the U.S but from around the world! For example in the past week my blog has been viewed from people in Germany, Ukraine, Netherlands, Brazil, El Salvador, and Romania. I thought that the only people who read this were my family and a few friends and most likely not very often. But no, people I don't even know read this, who knows how often, but still! I guess it just opened my eyes and made me realize how big this world really is! And how there are so many ways to connect with so many different people. Also, I wonder how on earth they found my blog! Perhaps they just stumbled upon it...or they blog stalk (but I also do that so I guess I don't have room to talk!) It was just crazy to realize that people actually look at my blog! HAHA

1 comment:

The Henriksons said...

Of course people look at your blog. You should blog more often!! Mom