Thursday, January 14, 2010


I just wanted to take a moment and say something about the mother of the whole human race, Eve. She was amazing. I had never really looked too deeply into her life past eating the fruit and leaving the Garden of Eden. But I was studying Moses chapters 1-5 this week and we discussed them in my prep for eternal marriage class and my eyes were opened.

Eve had great foresight. I think from the worldly perspective she gets a lot of flack but Eve knew exactly what she was doing. She chose a life full of hardship, trials, death, but also joy. Staying in the Garden wouldn't have brought her joy. One kid pointed out that she wasn't necessarily choosing between a good choice and a bad choice but maybe it was choosing between good and better. Her and Adam could've stayed in the Garden but they wouldn't have progressed any where. Outside of the garden Adam and Eve experienced so many trials; including the spiritual and physical deaths of their sons Cain and Abel. This couple truly felt much pain and grief but they also experienced love and joy through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

In my class we posed the question "Why doesn't the Lord shield us from hardships?" Someone said, "God doesn't even shield Himself from hardships. He suffers just as much and maybe even more than we do when He sees us in pain or falling astray." How true. This life may not be easy but in order for each of us to progress it can't be easy.

Eve is my new hero. She made the decision to take the path less traveled, the path that had actually never been traveled before. Her and Adam chose to leave their life of ease and to progress, which in turn led them to Christ. If Eve could do it then I can do it too.


The Hardy Things in Life said...

You go girl! Isn't that so true! Love it! Thanks for sharing that with us, it has inspired me!

The Henriksons said...

I know how you feel. I have too feel Eve was amazing. Mom