Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beware Twilight may not like this...

A few nights ago Marisa and I were in a strange hyper/giggly mood. So we decided to watch a movie that we knew would make us laugh. We chose New Moon...and we laughed hysterically, maybe for the wrong reasons and at all the wrong times...

I wasn't a fan of Twilight but I'd heard New Moon was better so I went in with the full intention of trying to like it...I failed. I don't know if it was the acting, the script, the strange music, or the fact that I pictured Edward so much better in my head(the last half of the movie I was screaming at him to put his shirt back on! Blek! honestly?)
Marisa and I wrote down quotes that struck us as funny and have been quoting them to each other, so the laughs haven't ended.

Quotes that had potential for being romantic:

"you're my only reason to stay alive."
"I just couldn't live in a world where you don't exist"
"You give me everything just by breathing"
"I can't even think about someone hurting you"
Instead of sighing and wishing someone would say that to us, Marisa and I almost died laughing.

Random Funny Quotes:
"Hall monitors on steroids"
My cousin had's not funny!"
" I guess the wolf's out of the bag" (for real?!)
"I have never met anyone more prone to life threatening idiocy!"

Now I know there are some who Love Twilight. And that is absolutely fine. I also used to love Twilight but then I read the fourth one and it ruined it all for me. Plus after reading the literary geniuses of Jane Austen and the Bronte Sisters it's hard to go back.


Cassandra said...

LOL ... I saw it in the theatre and laughed at totally inappropriate places too, and got a lot of dirty looks! My favorite was when they would kiss and it was like orgasmic (they would gasp and stuff) it was totally over the top.

AubsandKenny said...

Oh my gosh, the fourth book ruined it for me as well! I watched New Moon and I wondered how I even read the Twilight series.

The VIPs said...

I thought the books were good (maybe a litle too adult for the age of girl that they're marketed to, but good) until I read the 4th one as well- really disturbing. And the movies- don't even get me started.

Holly said...

Hannah my love,
I have, so far, refused to see the movies because I knew that they were ridiculous. Maybe I should watch them with Marisa this summer. Anyway, the only thing that bothers me about your post is that you don't differentiate between the books and the movies. Even though you don't like the 4th book, you HAVE to admit the books have a much higher quality than the movies.
Also, I miss you tons and I wish we could go Old Navy clearance shopping every week. :)