Sunday, March 21, 2010


...about everything!
Career...Child Life Specialist? Therapist?
Continue my education...Grad school?
Dating? or just Good friends?
Should I settle for a B in English?
Where do I work?
Do I really need to go grocery shopping? (okay the answer is yes...)
Am I where I'm supposed to be?
Internship...when? where? with whom?
How do I really feel?

What to do, what to do, what to do?? I'm tired of making decisions that will have a huge impact on my life. Can't the plan I made three years ago stay in affect? Why do I have to have curve balls thrown at me? As Tevye says to God in Fiddler on the Roof "Sometimes I think, when it gets too quiet up there, You say to Yourself, "What kind of mischief can I play on My friend Tevye?" Hmmm...what can I do to tip Hannah's little world upside down? Well it's really not that hard actually. Just send a little thought into my head that causes me to completely re-think my life.
I'm not complaining...Just contemplating. I go on LONG walks. I THINK( and I'm getting tired) I TALK with friends, family....and then the Bishop randomly calls me into his office...How does he even know? I don't say anything. I guess the Lord really is looking out for me. And that is a COMFORTING thought. So although He is rocking my world a little He's still got my back.

And then when I'm not doing all that I try to focus on school since there is 3 weeks left and I've got a huge to do list. It will be over soon...bittersweet.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

A little trip...

Yesterday Marisa and I drove to Aberdeen, Idaho (near Blackfoot) for our friend Michael's reception. We met Michael last year when he dated our roommate(he didn't marry said roommate) and this semester his twin, Brenda, is our roommate.

On the way we rocked out to a CD made for us by G.
It was a wild ride!
We stopped at Wal-Mart in IF for a card and bought some ring pops...

Which turned our tongues blue and purple!

Here we are at the reception with Brenda.

We ate lunch at a delicious little authentic Mexican Restaurant. The salsa was AMAZING! Aberdeen is pretty small. It consists of a Main Street and 1,860 People.

Here is the City Hall...

And the Police Station with one cruiser.
YAY for ABERDEEN!!!!!!

It was a fun little adventure! We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So Mom...

Does this song sound familiar Mom?

I was chatting with a daughter of a certain friend of yours and she was telling me how her mom had told her about when you guys would go dancing on the weekends and prep beforehand to this song. Ring any bells? And apparently the Latinos would flock to you...How come I was never told these stories? I guess I know where I got my booty shaking abilities...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beware Twilight may not like this...

A few nights ago Marisa and I were in a strange hyper/giggly mood. So we decided to watch a movie that we knew would make us laugh. We chose New Moon...and we laughed hysterically, maybe for the wrong reasons and at all the wrong times...

I wasn't a fan of Twilight but I'd heard New Moon was better so I went in with the full intention of trying to like it...I failed. I don't know if it was the acting, the script, the strange music, or the fact that I pictured Edward so much better in my head(the last half of the movie I was screaming at him to put his shirt back on! Blek! honestly?)
Marisa and I wrote down quotes that struck us as funny and have been quoting them to each other, so the laughs haven't ended.

Quotes that had potential for being romantic:

"you're my only reason to stay alive."
"I just couldn't live in a world where you don't exist"
"You give me everything just by breathing"
"I can't even think about someone hurting you"
Instead of sighing and wishing someone would say that to us, Marisa and I almost died laughing.

Random Funny Quotes:
"Hall monitors on steroids"
My cousin had's not funny!"
" I guess the wolf's out of the bag" (for real?!)
"I have never met anyone more prone to life threatening idiocy!"

Now I know there are some who Love Twilight. And that is absolutely fine. I also used to love Twilight but then I read the fourth one and it ruined it all for me. Plus after reading the literary geniuses of Jane Austen and the Bronte Sisters it's hard to go back.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Pros and Con of Exercising

I LOVE attending the fitness classes on campus(Kick It, Turbo Kick, and Zumba). But there are some pros and a con to exercising daily...

It's FUN
I'm healthy
I feel a sense of accomplishment because I've gone every day
It is my time of distressing (strange as that may seem)
I get to shake it twice a week in Zumba!!
I know I'm getting a good workout when I can't laugh because it hurts so bad

My pants don't fit any more...yes that should be a positive thing but I have no money or time to buy new pants...

After assessing the situation I realize the pros out weight the con so I'll keep working out! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Birthday...

to my Mother and Best Friend!

I love...
Chatting with you every day
Your laugh
(especially when it's late at night and we really should be in bed)
Your hard work and sacrifices
that you name your now I do too
that we quote movies
when you sing along to the radio
that you started a Book Club
your arts and crafts
that I change your blog backgrounds for you
when you send me packages
that you've taken up knitting? or is it crocheting?
(either one I love my new RED scarf!!)
that food just tastes better when you make it

The list could literally go on and on!!!
I love you lots!!!!