Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's cold in here...maybe not...

So the past couple of weeks my apartment has started 3 fires in the kitchen. Today's actually set off the fire alarm. I was in the shower and I could smell something burning. I figured it was just someone cooking in the kitchen and something was on the burner. Then the fire alarm goes off. And I'm thinking Holy Cow, I am in the shower with shampoo in my hair and the fire alarm is going off! But the alarm stopped and I couldn't smell anything more so I finished my shower. When I got out my roommate Britt is standing in the kitchen by the stove and there is shattered glass all over the stove top.

Britt accidentally turned on the wrong burner and the burner that had a cake in a glass pan sitting on it got hot. The cake caught on fire and the pan shattered. I guess it was quite an adventure!Here is the burnt cake...

Don't worry nothing was permanently ruined and the kitchen just smelled of smoke for a while.
We laugh about it now... We were just trying to keep the apartment warm in this negative degree weather!


Cassandra said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad nothing worse happened! We had once of those flat glasstop stoves in our apt, and we'd melt stuff on it all the time because people would throw stuff on it not realizing it was hot.

The Henriksons said...

So, the fire alarm goes off and you do not bother to get out of the shower? We use to have fires in our apartment all the time when I was at school. One time the toaster caught on fire!! Ahhh...the crazy life in an apartment full of girls!! Can you imagine what goes on in a guys apartment!!! Mom

The Hardy Things in Life said...

That is hilarious!! When do you get home, you and your mom should come hang out one day!! That would be tons of fun!! Hope finals go well!!