Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things I LOVE...

  1. Nectarines
  2. The smell of freshly cut grass
  3. Hanging my head out the window as we drive down the country roads
  4. Sam's hilarious faces, I'll never get tired of them and I'm soaking them up while I'm home
  5. When it rains after days of hot weather
  6. a good book
  7. Enya
  8. Climbing into my bed after a long day
  9. Waking up with the sun shining through the window onto my face
  10. Silence
  11. Long Walks
  12. a phone call from a friend I haven't talked to in a while and realizing that even though she's married she's still the same(what did I expect? I don't know...)
  13. Receiving a letter from a missionary I haven't heard from in months...hehehe
  14. Getting a scholarship because of my A-mazing grades!
  15. My Dad's hugs
  16. Being home for the summer and spending almost all my time with my family, who knows when I'll get to do this again
  17. S'mores...they are my new weakness
  18. BBQs
  19. Trail Mix
  20. The little notes mom has left around the house for me to find while the Family is on vacation.
Now I didn't list these in order of what I love best, they are just a few things I listed off the top of my head. Pretty much I just LOVE LIFE!!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Wanna know one thing I love? . . . you!
Did you get a special letter in the mail?! We need to talk.