I have had my life completely planned out since I arrived at college. I chose my major and I didn't stray from it and I will graduate in 9 semesters. I've always known exactly what to do and how I was going to do it. Now I'm clueless and I hate it. I hate not knowing what's going to happen. I would now like to plan the next four years...but that's not allowed. Why am I so confused right now? Oh yeah...it's life! I forgot for a second, okay maybe the past 2 weeks, that LIFE is happening to me. Got it.
Is this depressing? Are you all thinking, Hannah! GET A GRIP! Alright, alright. I will get a grip and stop. So guess what I'm going to do? Meditation. Yep, I am going to begin meditating every day. I have wanted to start meditating since I read Eat, Pray, Love and now for my World Religions class we have to do a personal project about a religion and I decided to learn about meditation and meditate. I'm so excited! I think that will definitely help me to relax. I will replace the almost daily cry fests with meditation. I will trade the puffy eyes and headaches for relaxation. It's going to be difficult though, because I can't turn off my mind. It is constantly going! Which is why I need to learn to control it and make it be quiet!! I started tonight and it definitely made me feel better. So yay!! Here's to meditation, Zumba, and the people close to me who will help me survive and come out on top this semester!
Thanks for listening.
Hannah I love you! If it is any conselation I felt exactly like this about two years ago. I had no clue what to do with my life. While the lord doesn't give us all the answers, he is definitely willing to give us clues and guidance if we are willing to listen. I think meditation is a great idea! You are going to be amazing at what ever you decide to do.
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