Mom and I returned home today from Idaho where we attended my good friend Chelsie's wedding. It is so weird to think that Chelsie is married!!! She is the first of my high school friends to get married, and she is definitely not the one I thought would get married first! But I am so happy for her. Chelsie and Nick are absolutely adorable and I'm glad I was able to be with them on their special day. Chels and I went to high school together but didn't really become friends until our junior year, I'd always been intimidated by Chelsie but one summer that all changed when we went on the trek together. We've been pretty good friends ever since. When I knew she was getting married I promised her that I'd be in Rexburg no matter what and I'm grateful that Mom was willing to take the trip with me! It was an awesome Mother Dauter Adventure!(You can look to her blog for a description of all of our wild adventures in Idaho!) Mom was actually able to go to the Sealing and I waited in the waiting room at the Temple. Then we went to the luncheon, it was AMAZING!!! We went expecting little sandwiches or salads but instead got a huge meal made in Dutch Ovens! There were potatoes and chicken and then probably about 6 different desserts made in the dutch ovens! It was all so delicious!!! Then Mom and I went to the reception where there was more yummy food and my friends Jessie and Cassandra showed up. It was so great to see them!

I love Chels to death and I'm so happy for her that she found Nick. It was nice to see her so happy and Nick got a great girl(and as Mom told him in the Temple if he doesn't treat Chels right he'll have to deal with me and mom!) Congrats Chelsie and Nick!!